Tianjin is speeding up the high-end equipment manufacturing industry
Date: 2021-06-24 13:57:49

  Tianjin is the birthplace of China's national industry. The equipment manufacturing industry has a history of 100 years. In recent years, we have seized the major historical opportunity in the development and opening up of the Binhai New Area, conscientiously implement the 12th Five-Year development plan of the Ministry of industry and information technology "high-end equipment manufacturing industry", introduce leading enterprises, focus on key projects, speed up industrial aggregation, and promote the integration of the two chemical industry, forming an aviation, intelligent equipment, marine equipment, engineering, and engineering. Machinery as the representative of the industrial system, initially has comparative advantage.

One is to highlight the high end direction. We must adhere to the path of high quality, high quality and high technology, push the transfer of industrial chain to high-end, accelerate the transformation of value chain to high quality, and realize the transformation of industrial structure to high technology. The Airbus A320 has been delivered more than 150, and the output value exceeds 100 billion yuan; the helicopter has built the serial civilian helicopter assembly line, successfully realized the independent research and development, independent design, independent equipment and more than 100 newly signed orders. At present, the two phase construction of Airbus is being promoted, the Airbus A320neo assembly line will be increased, and the A330 dual channel broadband passenger will be started. At the appointed time, Tianjin will become the Airbus Asia manufacturing center, the national aircraft leasing center and the northern international shipping center.

The two is to highlight independent innovation. We should improve the ability of independent innovation as the core strategy, carry out technology, industry, product, technology and brand innovation. Through the combination of production, research and research, a batch of key core technologies have been conquered, and the breakthrough of a batch of innovative technologies, such as large thrust rockets, tens of millions of high performance computing, UHV, laser separation and high-speed locomotives, has been led. The industry of Tianjin transformed from manufacturing to creation. A batch of "killer mace" products made in Tianjin have been cultivated, and a batch of products such as medium and heavy helicopters, high speed centrifuges, large offshore oil drilling platforms, giant radial tire equipment and large horsepower diesel engines have been filled in the domestic blank.

The three is to highlight the two integration. We will vigorously promote the integration of two depth, deepen the integrated application of information network technology that is ubiquitous in perception, broadband mobile and intelligent integration in industrial fields, promote intelligent manufacturing, interconnected manufacturing, green manufacturing, promote industrial whole industry chain, full value chain information interaction and integration cooperation. The ERP application of the key enterprises in the city reached 55.4%, the popularization rate of MES in the production link was 23.8%, the SCM penetration rate in the supply chain link was 56%, and the numerical control equipment rate was 30.2%. The application rate of CAD is over 95%, and the PLM application rate reaches 24%. Large equipment manufacturing enterprises basically implement collaborative design and manufacture within the enterprise. Relying on the Tianjin Supercomputing Center, the "coastal industry cloud platform" has been set up by the Ministry of industry and information as "industrial cloud innovation demonstration project", providing services for more than 500 enterprises, government, and scientific research institutions, such as CNPC, CNOOC and Chinese ship heavy industry. The cooperative production management system of Tianjin automobile die and mould Limited by Share Ltd covers the whole process from group to subsidiary, from management to production, and reduces the purchasing cycle of die materials for 15~20 days on average.

The four is to highlight the industrial agglomeration. Around the industrial chain, we will build a number of industrial gathering areas to form industrial clusters, and port and Beichen equipment will become the national new industrialization demonstration base. Among them, the reloading base is 200 square kilometers, focusing on the development of rail transportation, engineering machinery, wind power generation, nuclear power equipment, ship building, marine engineering, port machinery, ultra high pressure transmission and transformation, petrochemical equipment, national defense key equipment, which is the largest industrial gathering area of the equipment manufacturing industry at home.

Create an upgraded version of Tianjin

In the next step, we should take the global perspective, stand on the height of the global industrial division and redistribution, seize the important opportunity brought by the new round of industry and technology revolution, take the information communication technology and manufacturing industry into the deep integration as the breakthrough point, strengthen the foundation, promote the transformation and increase the benefit, speed up the establishment of modern manufacturing center and build Tianjin manufacturing. Upgrade.

One is to strengthen independent innovation and break through the core technology. Adhere to the implementation of innovation driven strategy, take market as the guidance, combine production, research and research, attack a batch of key core technologies, focus on breaking the three new technologies that restrict the industrial robots, 3D printing and new energy vehicles, which restrict the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, conforming to the trend of digital transformation, seize the technical commanding point, and realize "Tianjin made" and "day". Jin creates a double wheel drive.

Two is to promote the two integration of the development of new manufacturing. Accelerate the development of interconnected manufacturing, promote the integration of the Internet to industrial R & D, design, production and other fields, and achieve cross regional and cross sectoral collaborative design, data sharing and networked manufacturing. We should vigorously develop cloud manufacturing, realize the open collaboration between manufacturing resources and services in the industrial chain, and highly share social resources.

The three is to speed up the innovation of the model and cultivate a new type of business. Break the vertical distribution of industrial chain and value chain, vigorously promote the integration of manufacturing and service industry, the processing center into the user's manufacturing link, from the simple sale of products to packaging services, and gradually transform to manufacturing services. To accelerate the development of the platform manufacturing model, the O2O model, the commodity trading platform, the sub package of the public package innovation platform to represent the platform economic model, form the business model of "hardware + software + platform + service", and establish a new mechanism of sharing and sharing the value chain and the wealth chain.

The four is to implement the four - advance project and integrate intensive development. We should promote industries to enter the park, enter the region, enter the chain and enter the platform to achieve intensive, high-end and chain development. Promote industrial park. The project concentrates the park, the industrial cluster development, the resources intensive utilization, the function integration construction, constructs a batch of new industrialization industry demonstration.

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